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Butler Montessori's mission is to support children to become confident, independent lifelong learners

Artistic Expression in Montessori Education: Nurturing Creativity Through the Arts May 28, 2024

In Montessori, we talk about Cosmic Education, where artistic expression weaves seamlessly throughout the curriculum. The Montessori method, renowned for its holistic approach to learning, emphasizes nurturing creativity through the arts. From the earliest stages of development, children are encoura...

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Nurturing Independence: Practical Life Skills at Butler Montessori elementary high school independent school middle school montessori education pre k private school Apr 26, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, where technological advancements seem to dominate every aspect of our lives, the value of practical life skills can sometimes be overshadowed. However, at Butler Montessori, located in upper Montgomery County Maryland, these skills are not only emphasized but cherished a...

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The Science of Play: How Montessori Encourages Discovery and Curiosity Apr 12, 2024

In the bustling hub of a Montessori classroom, there is an air of discovery that permeates every corner. Children move with purpose, their eyes bright with curiosity as they explore the intricacies of the world around them. Maria Montessori, the visionary educator behind the Montessori Method, under...

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Butler Students Shine at the 2024 Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) in New York City 6th years high school middle school mmun montessori model united nations Mar 23, 2024

Model United Nations (MUN) is a rite of passage for many students throughout the country and often an important milestone in their school careers. It is a beacon of experiential learning that offers students a platform to delve into the complexities of international relations while sharpening their ...

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The Five Great Stories 2nd plane of development elementary lower elementary montessori elementary upper elementary Jan 22, 2022

The five Great Stories are an important and unique group of stories that provide the Elementary children with a “big picture” of life and the world around them. The stories lead children to contemplate the past, discover the present, and imagine the future. At the same time, the children develop an ...

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Compassion in the Upper Elementary 2nd plane of development compassion discipline elementary independence Sep 22, 2021

 “If human unity—which is a fact in nature—is going at last to be organized, it will be done only by an education that will give appreciation of all that has been done by human cooperation.”

~ Dr. Maria Montessori

In this year of considering the aspect of compassion in our daily lives, let’s l...

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Compassion in Music & Performing Arts compassion music Sep 21, 2021

“A community united by the ideals of compassion and creativity has incredible power. Arts of all kinds—music, literature, traditional arts, visual arts—can lift a community” ~ Martin O’Malley 

The connection between Music and the Performing Arts and teaching compassion is intrinsic. During th...

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Ancient Civilizations and the Second Plane Child elementary montessori elementary Apr 22, 2021

Children in the second plane of development (ages 6-12) are drawn to learning the why of the world. The story of the human being is a story of how people have fulfilled their fundamental human needs, both physical and spiritual. A big part of the Montessori curriculum for history is the ways in wh...

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Building Independence in Elementary Children 2nd plane of development freedom and responsibility independence lower elementary upper elementary Oct 15, 2020

Through the freedom and activity given to the child, the child gains knowledge about the responsibilities of their family and school community. As the child becomes more active, it is the adult’s responsibility to make the child aware of how they could be responsible for their own activities. This i...

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Freedom and Responsibility in the Elementary Classroom 2nd plane of development discipline freedom and responsibility lower elementary upper elementary Sep 17, 2020

Traditional schools and Montessori schools often differ greatly in their views of Freedom and Responsibility. In traditional schools, freedom and responsibility are usually opposites. Discipline is imposed by the adult and the feelings of the child do not matter. The child is to obey the teacher unq...

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Education on Race and History in the Butler Montessori Elementary Program 2nd plane of development community history lower elementary upper elementary Jun 22, 2020

Upon entering the Elementary classroom you will be struck by the noise level, the work scattered across all surfaces (watch your step!), and the enthusiasm with which the children discuss the happenings of the day, week, month, and year. We are a busy bunch. We have much important work to do. We are...

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Toddler Time and Independence dressing independence preschool shoes young children's community Jun 03, 2019

Children in the Young Children's Community thrive in an appropriately sized environment that is their classroom. Here they have a very structured routine set up to allow them the time to make choices and practice skills that they feel drawn toward. Dressing is a big theme in this classroom and often...

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