Sharing Knowledge

Butler Montessori's mission is to support children to become confident, independent lifelong learners

The Five Great Stories 2nd plane of development elementary lower elementary montessori elementary upper elementary Jan 22, 2022

The five Great Stories are an important and unique group of stories that provide the Elementary children with a “big picture” of life and the world around them. The stories lead children to contemplate the past, discover the present, and imagine the future. At the same time, the children develop an ...

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Compassion in the Upper Elementary 2nd plane of development compassion discipline elementary independence Sep 22, 2021

 â€śIf human unity—which is a fact in nature—is going at last to be organized, it will be done only by an education that will give appreciation of all that has been done by human cooperation.”

~ Dr. Maria Montessori

In this year of considering the aspect of compassion in our daily lives, let’s l...

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Building Independence in Elementary Children 2nd plane of development freedom and responsibility independence lower elementary upper elementary Oct 15, 2020

Through the freedom and activity given to the child, the child gains knowledge about the responsibilities of their family and school community. As the child becomes more active, it is the adult’s responsibility to make the child aware of how they could be responsible for their own activities. This i...

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Freedom and Responsibility in the Elementary Classroom 2nd plane of development discipline freedom and responsibility lower elementary upper elementary Sep 17, 2020

Traditional schools and Montessori schools often differ greatly in their views of Freedom and Responsibility. In traditional schools, freedom and responsibility are usually opposites. Discipline is imposed by the adult and the feelings of the child do not matter. The child is to obey the teacher unq...

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Education on Race and History in the Butler Montessori Elementary Program 2nd plane of development community history lower elementary upper elementary Jun 22, 2020

Upon entering the Elementary classroom you will be struck by the noise level, the work scattered across all surfaces (watch your step!), and the enthusiasm with which the children discuss the happenings of the day, week, month, and year. We are a busy bunch. We have much important work to do. We are...

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